Tuesday, November 2, 2010

UK Government Putting a Cap on Immigration

Read the news, seems like UK is planning to further cap the amount of immigrants outside the European Economy Zone. Honestly, UK would limit the EEC immigrant if not for their pledge to EU. And the intention of the cap is easily understood, to limit lowly-skilled workers into UK. Problem is, this will create issue for legitimate workers with genuine intend to work and live in the UK.

Under the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004, Section 2(1)A person commits an offence if at a leave or asylum interview he does not have with him an immigration document which— (a)is in force, and (b)satisfactorily establishes his identity and nationality or citizenship. Then in section 2(4)It is a defence for a person charged with an offence under subsection (1)— (e)to prove that he travelled to the United Kingdom without, at any stage since he set out on the journey, having possession of an immigration document.

So, if an immigrant has no form of identity in the UK, they can seek asylum under such law. The government cannot send the said immigrant back because there is no prove of nationality. This generally happens during war where a country is conquer or annexed and does not exist anymore. But then this is also applicable when an immigrant chose to dispose off all identity and claim asylum. During they interview, they either choose not to understand the questions or feign amnesia. So in the end, they are given probation before giving a UK citizenship, even if the wait is a decade. If someone with nothing to lose, this is a very wise move and for others, such an act will meant losing their identity, their previous life. This indirectly provides a loophole for illegal immigrants and 'leechers' to wriggle their way in. And these people are the people that UK wants to prevent from entering the country. In the end, nothings change, the only change is more trouble for genuine contributors.

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